Saturday, December 22, 2007

Quantum Physics Secrets = Health Part 1

Quantum Physics Secrets = Better Health

This article will start you on the road of using Quantum Physics to attract better health.

In this 21st Century we entered the Age of Aquarius! The Age of Science. We received two great gifts that we can use to attract better health into our lives.

The Internet supplies us with unlimited information. The Laws of Quantum Physics show us how to attract health.

Quantum Physics, a hot topic, is talked and written about by many scientists. But alas, most of them are being materialistic scientists. They leave out the concept of God or a higher creative force out of the equations.

The one sure thing that Laws of Quantum Physics tell us: A creator God exists and started everything into motion.

We relate to the Creator God like our cells to our body. The "oneness" of spiritual reality.

Look at these Laws form this spiritual point of view. Our health improvement lies there.

All is energy. I am energy, You are energy, the paper you are reading is energy. Planet Earth = Energy; Solar System = Energy; Galaxy = Energy; Universe = Energy; and the Mind of God = Energy.

Energy beings must understand the Laws of Energy to stay healthy.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that every thing that ever was, is, or will be exists in an infinite ocean of the thinking substance call the Quantum Ocean or the mind of God. This infinite ocean of thinking stuff responds intelligently to our thoughts.

Thoughts are Things! We attract our reality by what we think. Think good thoughts and attract good things. Bad thoughts, bad things.

This means that everything we have in our lives, our health, weatlth, relationships we attracted by our thoughts. We created them.

If we do not like our health, wealth, love relationships we can change them! How? By the way we think.

Look at how things work. We are energy beings. The Quantum Ocean (mind of God) is a thinking energy. Our thoughts are our connection, what we think enters the Quantum Ocean and attracts energy. It flows into our Auras (energy body). This attracts health, wealth, love etc. into our lives.

Our Aura, the connector between the Quantum Ocean and our physical body is the the working matrix.

Quantum Physics gives us definite Laws on how to attract healing energies out of the Quantum Ocean and into our Aura.

Knowing the energy exchange process, we now need exact methodologies.

If our minds were more powerful and our self discipline stronger, we could simply "think" our way to perfect health.

But in this high energy technology which is fast paced, rush, rush world our minds are captured and pulled away. This makes it very difficult to keep thinking about perfect health.

The old Chinese saying says: " A man who can keep his mind on one thought for ten minutes could rule the world!"

We need methods to keep our health thoughts working 24/7. Plus using Yoga, meditation, radionics, or Orgone technology will do this for us.

I will discuss each of these in separate articles.

In the mean time remember, what the Laws of Quantum Physics tell you: Thoughts are Things! Till the next time watch your thoughts, words and wishes. You will surely get them.

You can learnt to use quantum physics to bring better health into your life. The Age of Aquarius has given us two gifts os far. The internet and the Laws of Quantum Physics. What will the next 1950 years bring?

Email me for my free 10 part mini-course on Quantum Physics for Daily use

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Secrets of Quantum Physics Matrix Part 3

How to Use a
Quantum Physics Matrix
Part 3

Combining the Laws of Quantum Physics
With the Laws of Radionics

Laws of Quantum Physics tell us thoughts are things. Whatever thoughts you send into the infinite ocean of thinking substance called the Quantum Ocean will manifest into your life, be these good or bad thoughts. The Universe does not discriminate "good" from "bad" thoughts. "Yes" you want something or other, or "no" you DON'T want something! The Quantum Ocean see's things in "pictures." If you have a "picture" in your mind of the fear of getting robbed. You are visualizing a burglar breaking into your home, or holding you at gunpoint. Well the universe does not understand NO, you do not want this! The "pictures" that you have visualized will attract this event. Therefore, in fearing a robbery, you are in fact ATTRACTING it!

We can change our present reality by sending Positive thoughts of what we want out of the life as far as health, wealth and money into the Quantum Ocean.

The problem is we need a methodology to keep these Positive thoughts steady until they are able to manifest.

Radionics tells us that if we set up a matrix where we can combine the energies of a power source, a wish and a target, they will constantly interact in the Quantum Ocean and bring us what we want out of life.

If we take the thought we want to project into the Quantum Ocean and use them on our Radionics Matrix, in the wish-desire triangle we will successfully start the attraction.

But more than that, the radionics device will HOLD our thoughts continuously. There will be a constant flow of our thoughts into the Quantum Ocean and eventually these thoughts will manifest themselves into our lives.

Let us summarize with an example:
Choose the type of radionics device you wish to use, from an expensive one to a hand drawn one on a piece of paper.

Or print a copy of my R.R.M. out on your printer and use it.
Remember the key is you need a power source, a wish and a target.

Just thinking about radionics creates a mental radionics device.

A mental radionics device works like this: your mind is the power source, your wishful thinking is the wish and your Aura will be the target.

We only use and choose a physical electronics device to hold our thoughts 24/7 as we go about our daily business.

Place your wish for better health in the lower left hand equilateral triangle. This can be a hand written wish for better health folded up in a piece of paper. It can be the the runic symbol Uraz (the rune that symbolizes Health) or it can be even more specific like a drop of Bach remedy; a Homeopathic remedy; a color filter, an aspirin etc.

I use my hand made Orgone generator as my power source. You can use electricity or batteries or even just a photo of them or you for your power source.
A photo of a battery or any power source is a similar structure to the actual thing.

A photo of you is you as far as the mind of God (Quantum Ocean) is concerned. It is a blueprint of your configuration of energy.

A photo of a battery, an Orgone generator or even an expensive Radionics device , are all the same as far as energy exchange with the Quantum Ocean is concerned.

Put your power source in the upper triangle.

Use your photo, blood sample, hair or name on a piece of paper as your target.

For distant healing you can use a photo or name on paper of a family member, friend or loved one. This will work as there is no real space or distance in the Quantum Ocean.

Put the target in bottom right of the triangle.

Now that you have your Quantum Physics Matrix set up. Sit in your favorite chair and hold it in your lap.

Relax. Take a few deep breaths.

Now start the process of attracting healing energies out of the Quantum Ocean by intoning out loud:

"I am Now invoking the healing energies of Uraz ( or name your healing wish) out of the Quantum Ocean and into my Aura."

Three times, three is a magical number.

Now mentally say:

"I am starting the healing energies of the Quantum Ocean into my Quantum Physics Matrix so that I will receive healing energy 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Thoughts are things. Words are frozen thoughts. You get what you think about.

Now put your Quantum Physics Matrix away in a safe place. Where it will be undisturbed. Do not leave it out where other's can see it. Even the doubtful thoughts or ridicule of a loved one can effect the energy exchange.

The energies will flow. How long will it take? That depends on the amount of resistance in you, your false ideas, programing and fears.

Be patient. It works. You may want to reinforce your "I AM" statements once a day, or once a week. Repetition is very powerful. That is what it means to do something "religiously" it means you do it over and over.

As the healing energies of the Quantum Ocean (mind of God) fill your Aura other things will just begin happening.

The energies you attract are the energies of a probability and possibilities.

Stay Aware! Health ideas will come from people, places and events that you are not aware of at this time.

Answer your phone. Open your mail. Talk to strangers. Go to the book store or library. Follow your hunches and intuitions.

Health is your God Given right. Quantum Physics and Radionics are the 21st Century tools creating better health.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Secrets of Quantum Physcs Matrix Part 2 RADIONICS

How to Use
A Quantum Physics Matrix
Part 2

The Laws of Radionics

Radionics is one of the gifts of the Age of Aquarius, radionics can best be described as magic at a distance.

The three functional parts of any radionics device are:
1. A Power Source. This can be supplied by electricity, batteries, orgone generators or a photo.
2. A Treatment, or what is it you wish or desire to attract? This can be hard written words, thoughts, symbols, runes, or healing remedies.
3. A Target. Where do you want the energy you are attracting out of the Quantum Ocean to go? This can be a photo, hair sample, drop of blood or a name on a piece of paper.

The ever working Law of Three, combines these three energies into an energy event in your life.

You connect the three factors on a matrix, a playing field. Once you connect the powers source, the wish and the target on a physical matrix they become connected in the Quantum Ocean (mind of God.) Eventually an energy exchange takes place and your wish manifests into your life.

But you need a working field or a matrix.

You can use an expensive or inexpensive electronics, radionics device. You can use a Black Box type of Radionics Device.

Here is a secret of the Laws of Quantrum Physics. Thanks to the Laws of Resonant Frequencies, you can even use a simple hand drawn matrix on a piece of paper.

They will all work because the true Radionics Device is your own mind. The Laws of Mental Radionics tell how this is done. (Read my separate article on Mental Radionics)

The reason we need the use of a physical Radionic's Matrix is because our own minds are flighty and we cannot sustain one thought for very long. Radionics devices freeze our thoughts, wishes, desires, so to speak. They keep them constantly interacting with the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God). Through the magic of the Law of Three.

It is the constant inter-working which keeps the energies flowing towards physical manifestation.

I personally use my own design which I call my Rune Radionics Matrix (R.R.M.). I use runes a great deal in my healings and attractions.

I find that they work well for attracting health, wealth and love into your life.

The Runes are a very powerful universal, creative, energy! Each one is a key to a specific energy in the Quantum Ocean.

You can use what symbols or elements you want on your matrix. I use my R.R.M. with astrological signs, Bach flower remedies, Color, cell-salts, and Homeopathic remedies, etc.

My R.R.M. is a 10 x12" wood plaque that my wife Lory paints indigo blue. She is an artist and makes all the R.R.M's. On the solid wood plaque, she then cuts a round piece of copper sheet to use as the conducting base. Then she hand paints two sets of inscribed equilateral triangles with silver paint onto the copper base. This gives us three perfect equilateral triangles. One for the power source; one for the wish and one for the target.



Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Secrets of Quantum Physics Matrix Part 1

How to Use
Quantum Physics Matrix for Attracting

Part 1

What is a Quantum Physics Matrix? A Q.P.M. is a playing field where the Laws of Quantum Physics can interact with the Laws of Radionics to attract health, wealth and love out of the Quantum Ocean.

Everything in the Universe is energy. Energy needs a playing field, a matrix where it can interact.

A home is a matrix where the energies of a family interact. A great teacher once said, "The only thing happening in the Universe is energy in relationships!"

We are constantly being interacted upon by many energy fields. The Sun is an energy our physical body is an energy. The playing field or matrix where these two energy fields interact is our Aura.

All the moving planets of our Solar System are energies, and their energies interact with our Aura. This is the basis for the Laws of Astrology.

In our daily lives, people, places and events are energies which interact with us through our Auras.

Our thoughts, emotions and actions are energies which vibrate out into the Universe, the mind of God, the Quantum Ocean, all other members of Society, etc.

They bring back matching energies with interact with us through our Auras. We send out energies or vibrations. In turn, we receive back " like" energies or vibrations. The Laws of Karma are based on this.

In our hearts we want to use our thoughts as magnets to attract into our lives more health, wealth and love NOW!

The Laws of mental radionics tell us that our thoughts, powered by our minds, will go to the Quantum Ocean and interact with the energies there. Then they will come back to us clothed in these energies. If we sent out good thoughts, we receive good energies in return. If we sent out bad thoughts we will receive bad energy in return. But what manifests itself in our physical lives rarely matches our desire for more wealth, health and love.

Why is this so? It is because we do not have the mental persistence, discipline, or the mental powers to hold our thoughts until they manifest. The cares of daily life steal away our attention; they fill us full of fear, doubts and uncertainty and our desires die unborn.

We need more power, concentration and persistence to manifest our desires.

This is what the Quantum Physics Matrix will do for us. It was designed, using the Laws of Quantum Physics, combined with the Laws of Radionics. It will hold our thoughts and desires for us until they become physical manifestations!

Laws of Quantum Physics

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us "all" is energy. You are energy. I am energy. The planet Earth is energy, the Solar System is energy; the Galaxy is energy; the Universe is energy; and God is energy!

We as human beings live, move and have our being within an infinite energy being called the mind of God (Quantum Ocean.)

All the Energy that ever was, is or will be exists in an infinite ocean of intelligent energy called the mind of God, the Quantum Ocean.

This infinite ocean of thinking substance is so vast that our universe "blinks in and out of it. When it "blinks" out of the Quantum Ocean we have a physical Universe. When it "blinks" back in it becomes an un-manifested divine blueprint.

This is the same "blinking" process for Galaxies, Solar Systems, planets and us human beings.

We as individual Souls, "blink" in and out of the Quantum Ocean periodically like the Universe each of our "blink outs" is called a new incarnation. Each of our "blink ins" is called a Death. But in reality there is no such thing as Death, just "blinking" in and out.

Are you getting a small picture of how vast the mind of God (Quantum Ocean) is?

When we are "blinked" out in a new physical incarnation we have the power to re-enter into the mind of God (as we really never left) any time we wish.

We can go back into the Quantum Ocean (mind of God) and pull out energies that we can use to better our lives. We can pull out energies that will attract more health, wealth and love into our lives NOW!

Thoughts are things. It is through the process of thinking that we can go back into the mind of God (Quantum Ocean) and attract out what we want. Our thoughts bring us what we are thinking in a physical form.

Why aren't more people healthy, wealthy, and happy? It is because they do not think correctly. During the course of their work - a- day living they are constantly thinking of things that they do NOT want to happen. They think of things like their bills; their poverty; their ill health; their unhappy relationships etc.

This constant stream of negative thoughts enters the mind of God (Quantum Ocean) and attracts back similar energies into to their lives. They get MORE bills, MORE poverty, MORE ill-health, and MORE unhappiness. The universe simply does not know NO. So if you want no more bills think the opposite, think WEALTH. If you want no more ill- health think of your self in vibrant good health. If you want to stop being unhappy think of yourself and situations that bring you happiness.

Remember the Quantum Ocean is the mind of God, so when your think, your thoughts are asking God to send you what you are thinking and you get it good or bad.

Remember the old adage, "Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it!"

You must also be aware that there are also many man-made blueprints within the Quantum Ocean (mind of God) They were put there, either consciously or unconsciously by those in authority. Many of these man-made blueprints contain false information that will keep you from attracting a free independent life of health, wealth and love.

So don't take the experts advice. Seek out wisdom for yourself. It is all there in the Quantum Ocean!

End of Part 1

Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 part mini-course:



Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.